The therapeutic value of sewing and creativity

Written By: Shali Jayasuriya of                                25.11.2019

Creativity in its various forms has been used for its therapeutic values for years by many including professionals in the mental health field.  The idea behind creative arts therapies is that it is an alternative way of communicating and expressing emotions – to talking. Most people don’t’ like talking about their problems for various reasons, and tend to bottle everything up, which leads to many issues. Using a creative medium such as art, music, drama, journaling, poetry, and sewing among others is a wonderful way to let it go and start healing.

The Palmy Bunting Ladies first came together to sew a few bunting strands to be used as part of the decoration for a Christmas event that was being organized by a community organization. When they came together they found a wonderful sense of calm and freedom, and the group just continued to get-together once a week for the therapeutic value they get out of, meeting together and creating something.

Sewing has a cathartic aspect and is fast being recognized as a stress buster. There is a certain kind of peacefulness in sewing together in a group, imaginably it’s the collective concentration of working towards a common goal, perhaps it’s having a safe space and an outlet for creativity, expression, and fun while also giving offering the opportunity to build friendships and have a sense of camaraderie.

Anyone can use sewing as a method of escaping the mundane and relaxing a little. You don’t have to create wonderful works of art to gain the therapeutic value sewing offers.

Here are just 5 (of the many) benefits that anyone who takes up needle and thread can gain; regardless of whether you consider yourself to be creative or not.

1. Stress Buster
Sewing encourages mindfulness and reduces anxiety. The repetitive action of sewing a seam is meditative and brings about positive emotions and relaxation. Being almost forced to concentrate on one action enables you to be fully engrossed in that action and help you truly unwind. Sewing something can also be considered as your “me time”. Allowing yourself to take 30 minutes in a day to do something for your own pleasure, experts say, can increase your self-worth.

2      2. Increased happiness
Just like any other creative activity sewing increases dopamine in the brain, which in turn makes us feel positive and happy

      3. Spend time away from screens and ‘smart’ devices
Screens have become such major part of our lives in the 21st century, we can’t seem to get away from them, either at home or at work. While sitting in front of the TV or on your couch at the end of the day with your laptop or phone may seem relaxing at first glance, what’s actually happening is that your mind is being exposed to a massive sensory overload. This is nothing more than ‘white noise in our lives” says one expert, ‘it can lead to feelings of unrest, dissatisfaction, and exhaustion’. However, when you are sewing (or doing any other creative action) you are doing something purposeful while giving your mind a chance to relax and reset. “You’re in a happy, healthy little bubble that you leave with a feeling of relaxation and accomplishment.”

      4. Effective coping strategies
      Sewing can be a very helpful coping strategy for anyone going through a hard time or suffering from depression or an unbalanced lifestyle. Once again it is the overall feeling of being in control of something, the sense of accomplishment and being-in-the-moment that helps. Socialising is important to keep a healthy balance in your life, especially if you are suffering from depression and anxiety. The sewing community or a group (the Palmy Bunting Ladies) is a wonderful way to connect with people.

      5. Fight dementia
As people get older dementia is something many people have to face. However, taking up sewing can help fight the effects of dementia because of the process of having to remember certain steps, which works the brain and keeps the mind clear, focused and active.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this post. The purpose of this article was to share what the bunting ladies have come to learn and gain through their group. As I write down these benefits that I’ve found through research and personal experience, I hope that anyone reading this too can use sewing or any other form of creativity to add some relaxation back your days and live your best life.

By: Shali Jayasuriya of   25.11.2019


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